



New encoding device exceeds set reject read rate by 50%

Prime Vision’s Last Coding Device (LCD) at PostNL has been fully operational for six months, resulting in significant reduction in video coding errors and associated costs.  Indeed, it has substantially exceeded expectation.

The goal for introducing LCD was a reduction in mail volume for video coding by at least 5%.  What the Prime Vision development has actually achieved is a reject read rate of more than 10%.

An error rate of 0.6% was deemed acceptable, 0.1% more demanding than previous coding improvements.  In reality LCD is delivering an error rate of 0.55% at post code level and 0.52% at house number level.  So on all values, Prime Vision has surpassed specification.

At the heart of LCD is PHRASE technology – Prime Vision’s holistic reasoning and assignment engine – that recognises all handwritten or machine-printed address elements that appear on the mail piece. It can be applied with the utmost flexibility to achieve the best cost performance in line with other readers employed by PostNL.

So it can be used to rationalise an entire address, a house number or a post code, whichever is the quickest and most effective way of keeping the mail piece in the automated sorting process.

PostNL’s Process Automation Manager, Bart van Overbeek, confirmed:  “LCD is able to code mail with no post code or with an incorrect post code.  And this saves us even more money as it reduces the amount of mail that needs to be manually coded with full address details.”


Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht am 21.06.2012 in News (In- und Ausland), Sonstige Produkte / Services / Dienstleistungen.