



The leading Ukrainian Business-forum for mail order companies and e-commerce DMDAYS 2013 will be held 7 June.

World, society, business… It all is changing so fast. To be successful at any business nowadays one should be in the center of events – to feel trends, monitor working business models, set up direct contacts with decision makers.

DMDAYS 2013 held on June 7th, 2013 is going to become such center for distance trade in Ukraine (mail order companies, TV shops, e-commerce) and companies servicing distance trade (logistics, fulfillment, payment systems, marketing, data bases, etc.).  In brief about key factors:

Business-forum  (early well-known like the  Direct Marketing Days in Ukraine):

–       is held annually since 2000;

–       400 representatives from 16 countries worldwide took part in the Forum in year 2011;

–        is central meeting point for representatives of distance trade and companies servicing this sector in Ukraine;

–       different European national postal organization (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia) at different times were the partners of the Forum;

–       Forum helped such worldwide brands as Neckermann, Bon Prix, Yves Rocher, IMP, Cellbes and others to get acquainted with Ukrainian market and to make final decision regarding starting their business activities at it.

It is important to underline that this year Forum completely changed its format and put emphasis on distance trade in all of its aspects (mail order companies, TV shops, e-commerce) and spheres (clothes, electronics, household appliances, books, households goods and etc.).  In the framework of the Forum expert discussions of the following key topics about Ukrainian market will be presented:

· main markets: volumes, categories, players, models, strategies, perspectives

· new models: cooperation with Chinese and American sites, consignment, delivery through Kazakhstan and Russia, model as product, co-working and co-business, production of goods and parcels simultaneously, cooperation guaranties

· delivery and warehouses: in-house-outsource, efficiency, work sharing and downstream access, requirements and suppliers estimation

· purchasing and suppliers: sources, noncompliance, Chine, “long tail”, co-business and market power of a buyer, analytical solutions, suppliers evaluation

· payments services: development, models, prices and expenses, security, perspectives, integration and suppliers, financing

· customer and servicing: consumers trends, prepayment/COD, call-centers, show-rooms, returns, quality, claims, consumer’s extremism, social networks, legal aspects

· development and transformation: management of different volumes, kpi, changes management, hr-resources

· marketing efficiency: context, coupons, leaders generation and cpo, data bases and email-marketing, retention and loyalty campaigns, competition beyond advertising, legal aspects, estimation of contractors

Format: there will not be any individual speeches. There will be maximum of information within given time. In the framework of the Forum it will be achieved by:

· the most valuable information on different topics from each expert-speaker will be gathered. Trends, top news, researches, monitoring, business cases, etc. This pool of information will be available to every representative at the beginning of the event.

· during expert discussions the main characteristics on each topic will be given. The most interesting facts such as trends, successful and unsuccessful cases, and problematic issues will be discussed.

· moderator will be able to grant permission to speak to volunteers from audience and initiate discussion of popular topics.

Planned number of participants: around 300 people (representatives of trading companies: mail order, TV shops, Internet shops, retail chains having their shops online and leading servicing companies: logistics, fulfillment, marketing, data bases, etc.)

How it was before please check at our official face book Facebookpage:!/DMDays/photos_albums

Organization information:

Dates: June 6th (evening – special dinner, acquaintance) – 7th (from с 8.30 till 22.00 including Gala-party)


For representatives of trading companies – 250 Euro (till 01.05 – 200 Euro)

Representatives of servicing company – 400 Euro (till 01.05 – 350 Euro)

For registration and more information please reply to this letter of contact: Julia Pavlenko, CEO of Ukrainian Direct  Marketing Association

+38(044)490 90 88; +38(096) 75 70 705


Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht am 11.04.2013 in Dies + Das, News (In- und Ausland), Veranstaltungen / Termine.