
Early and efficient intervention to iron out any problems in postal automation systems is essential to the economic operation of all posts. Even a small loss in efficiency can have a significant impact on profitability and for this reason an increasingly large number of posts and parcel companies worldwide are signing up to support services provided by Prime Vision.

One organisation that has benefitted from this support and come back for more is the Finnish post Posti.

“In Finland, Posti is facing the same structural change that occurred much earlier in other western countries,” explained the company’s CEO Heikki Malinene. “The rapid decrease of demand, which has continued for several years, combined with weakened profitability and the changed needs of customers, means Posti had to make structural changes.”

The post’s previous contract came to an end in April but with its eyes firmly set on rationalising its operations to meet market needs, Posti recognised that ongoing support from Prime Vision was essential to the success of its plans for growth areas of the business, such as parcels and logistics.

With such a focus on quality of service to its clients and some of the most advanced and automated sorting centres in Europe, Posti is positioned to adapt to these changing market needs and continue to be a strong player despite the challenges with traditional mail volume decline.

Posti has signed a new three-year agreement with the company for five of its sorting centres. It joins 30 other postal organisations receiving ongoing support from Prime Vision. Each package is tailored to individual needs and can include a 24/7 hotline, pro-active monitoring and escalation services to support posts’ in-house teams.


Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht am 08.10.2014 in News (In- und Ausland), Sonstige Produkte / Services / Dienstleistungen.