Join industry leaders at the World Mail and Express Asia Pacific event, hosted by PHLPost: Conference topic: Championing e-commerce: creating new supply chains

With the overwhelming e-commerce focus of the mail and express sector in Asia Pacific, operators must use every means to champion the medium; and to focus on supply chain development, whether local, national, regional or global. Cross border e-commerce is seeing exponential growth and requires increasingly sophisticated and responsive supply chain management.

Hosted by PHLPost, our two-day conference will address the e-commerce boom, and look at how operators, whether large and small, are utilising technology to create new supply chains.

This will be accompanied by our exclusive supplier showcase where the latest product and service innovations in the mail and express sector will be demonstrated.



Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht am 20.03.2015 in Dies + Das, News (In- und Ausland).