



Dag Mejdell to leave Posten Norge


Dag Mejdell (58) has resigned as Group CEO of Posten Norge.  The Group’s board of directors will now start the process of recruiting a new chief executive.

Mejdell has resigned after 10 years as Group CEO of Posten Norge. He leaves a company that has developed into a leading Nordic postal and logistics group.

Growth and restructuring

„We set ourselves ambitious goals 10 years ago and have worked with a long-term view and in a targeted fashion. Posten Norge very successfully restructured its mail operations in line with developments and new customer needs. Among other things, Digipost has been established as a secure digital mailbox for the future. At the same time, we have developed powerful logistics operations that are growing in the Nordic market. We have strengthened our range of services in a good dialogue with our customers, modernised the Posten brand and launched Bring in the business market,“ says Group CEO Dag Mejdell.

He particularly points out the Group’s good cooperation with the trade unions and believes this has been crucial to the success of demanding restructuring operations.

„We would not have managed to implement such extensive restructuring of the mail operations if we had not had such good cooperation with and assistance from the employees and their representatives. We’ve worked hard and purposefully together to reduce the number of sickness absences and injuries at work. Today, Posten’s employees are healthier and more motivated than ever before. I’m proud of the results we’ve achieved,“ says Mejdell.

Mejdell will remain in his post until a new Group CEO takes over.

„After 10 years as Group CEO of Posten and more than 20 years as a senior executive in industry, I want to continue to be involved in developing Norwegian and international companies, including through directorships,“ says Mejdell.

The board will start a recruitment process

The board of Posten Norge regrets Mejdell’s decision to resign as Group CEO. It will now start the process of recruiting a new chief executive.

„Dag Mejdell has done a very good job and made his mark on Posten’s development during a period of industrialisation, customer-orientation and Nordic growth. Posten is currently a competitive and leading mail and logistics group that has the Nordic region as its domestic market and is well positioned for the future. Mejdell has put people first and delivered impressive results,“ says chairman of the board Idar Kreutzer. Among other things, he refers to the fact that Dag Mejdell was chosen as the world’s best postal boss in 2015.


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Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht am 29.04.2016 in Briefdienste, News (In- und Ausland), Unternehmensneuigkeiten.
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