



New Reference Framework help Posts to successfully implement IoPT


Prime Competence has developed a Reference Framework for posts new to the rapidly emerging Internet of Postal Things (IoPT). The IoPT is a network of physical objects — machines, equipment, vehicles and other items — embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange data to the advantage of the user.

The new Reference Framework sets out to provide guidance on the practical application of IoPT, with particular focus on the logistics function. Every post experiences common logistics problems such as undelivered mail, seasonal demand fluctuations, the availability of sufficient roll containers in the right places at the right times, and a lack of current location-specific inventory information with regard to moveable objects.

Knowing the location, route, load factor (by volume and weight) and other data about shipments and assets can be extremely valuable. Importantly, such capability can also facilitate additional revenue streams or business models. For instance, there is potential to offer deeper level track and trace capability, along with services such as live re-direct, and live collection/returns based on current and predicted location of mail delivery personnel and vehicles, potentially even using autonomous robots and drones in the mail and parcel handling process. The possibilities are almost endless.

A common enquiry from posts concerns the best technology to locate among other things, roll cages, a request which is part of the greater need to locate shipments and packaging resources, and develop tracking in real-time. With this in mind, the principles of the IoPT Reference Framework address many issues, including target identification and localisation, as well as data collection and exchange.

Of course, there is no off-the-shelf IoPT solution that meets all requirements; each application will determine its own set of hardware and software specifics.

The correct choices of technology will be determined by factors such as speed, cost and effectiveness for the specific post, leading to a ‘best of breed’ solution for each individual application. One of the basic principles is that everything should be able to communicate with everything else in order to maximise the value of identification, localisation and data on individual transport flows and equipment. Importantly, the solution will be based on open industry standards without any vendor or technology lock-in.

Additional solution fundamentals include the use of interchangeable modular systems, as this allows futureproofing against constantly emerging technologies. Of course, the rapid development of new technologies presents a familiar dilemma; whether to press ahead knowing that certain technologies might soon be superseded, or to wait. The Prime Competence IoPT Reference Framework provides the tools to break this deadlock, helping to create a cloud-based platform in which the added value of the whole is greater than the sum of its component parts.

Take the case of a post which is keen to apply an IoPT solution to all of its shipments and vehicles. Here, information can be shared about location, status or behaviour with the cloud-based platform via the trolley where the consignment is transported, which in turn can share information back through the device, driver or delivery person.

In terms of the hardware, a typical application of this nature might comprise printable electronics for identification purposes on items such as parcels, mail and packaging of relatively low value like trays and bags, with connectivity provided by smartphones or trolleys equipped with the relevant readers. Similarly, readers with internet capability might be deployed on sorting machines.

For location and tracking (indoor and outdoor) communication with packages or letters in order to determine their whereabouts, proximity or long range communications technology is utilized. In addition, beacons are used commonly for communications in fixed locations such as sorting centres, while further sensors might be deployed for functions such as fill level measurement and weight on roll cages, mailboxes and transport.

To explain in greater detail, assets such as roll containers are provided with a sensor that can emit a signal which is detected by the software on different devices, such as the smartphones of mail deliverers and scanners of package deliverers. On that basis, the location of the device can be determined via GPS and mobile signal. The stored signals and data collected can then be translated into crucial information for a variety of stakeholders.

This solution is an alternative to an infrastructure such as that of current machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions in which individual objects must be equipped with a SIM card, thus necessitating the need for costly mobile subscriptions. Ultimately, the IoPT solution has the potential to offer functionality similar to – or even better – than existing solution options; however at a lower cost.

Aside from cost, there are multiple benefits that arise from implementing an IoPT strategy, such as optimising the total number of assets, correct asset numbers in correct locations, optimised traffic flows, the opportunity to implement condition monitoring or predictive maintenance, reduced loss/theft of valuable shipments, saving on vehicle fuel, improved fleet productivity, volume per stream known in advance, and even learning of weather conditions on route. There is, in fact, almost no limit to the impact that the new IoPT Reference Framework could have across a postal organisation, from doorstep to doorstep, through operations, to new service development.

With the IoPT Reference Framework as guidance, a post can start implementing the Internet of Postal Things tomorrow and gain valuable insights in how to use these new and exciting capabilities to further improve its current business and develop new business!

Prime Competence is working with a number of posts to develop smart, future proof and cost effective solutions based on its IoPT Reference Framework and extensive experience in the postal world. Please contact Freek Smoes of Prime Competence if you would like to learn more about the benefits of IoPT for your company.


Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht am 30.09.2016 in Dies + Das, News (In- und Ausland), Sonstige Produkte / Services / Dienstleistungen.