At the Presidential Palace in Hanoi, Escher Group today (Monday 7 November) participated in a ceremonial contract signing to recognize the recent contract to license Escher’s Riposte® Platform...
7. November 2016
Escher Group Holdings plc (AIM: ESCH, ‘Escher’ or ‘the Group’), a world leading provider of outsourced point-of-service software to the postal industry, is to pilot a loyalty platform for...
9. Mai 2016
Escher Group has been formally elected to join the .post group at the UPU. The Universal Postal Union is an intergovernmental organization and the primary forum for cooperation between...
3. Dezember 2015
Escher Group, a global leader in secure peer‐to‐peer messaging technology, is providing the means by which citizens can directly communicate with government officials in Ireland as the...
25. April 2013